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The AFP Greater New Orleans Chapter

annual  scholarships 

The Jonathan Louis Conference Scholarship

The AFP Greater New Orleans Annual Conference awards scholarships annually in memory of former AFPGNO Board Member Jonathan Louis.

This year, the Conference Committee will award three (3) scholarships which will cover the registration cost of the 2024 Conference. 

To qualify for consideration for a 2024 Jonathan Louis Fundraising Conference Scholarship, you must be employed as a full-time fundraising professional (at least fifty percent of your time is spent fundraising).

This scholarship opportunity is open to members and non-members.

Chamberlain Scholar for AFP Global ICON

The Chamberlain Scholarship program honors Ralph E. Chamberlain, CFRE. Mr. Chamberlain had a long and distinguished career of service to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), beginning in the 1960s when the organization was formed as the National Society of Fund Raisers (NSFR), through the late 1970s when the name was changed to the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE), and until his death in 1999. Mr. Chamberlain’s dedication to the organization we now know as AFP never faltered in his long volunteer career with the Association. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation’s annual fund and generous planned gift, the AFP Board of Directors renamed their Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the Association. Read more about Ralph E. Chamberlain here.

The Schlakman Family Diversity Scholarship

At a meeting of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy board, where David Schlakman serves, AFP’s IDEA principles—Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access—were a central topic of discussion. Inspired by these conversations and subsequent talks with colleagues, David committed to addressing a key issue in our community: creating opportunities for a more diverse group of individuals to become skilled development professionals for the many small nonprofits doing essential work in New Orleans.

To support this goal, the Schlakman Family Diversity Scholarships Fund will cover AFP membership dues (Global and Chapter) and Chapter event registration fees for two (2) recipients annually. Scholarship recipients will be individuals from the Greater New Orleans area, representing BIPOC, LGBTQ, disability, and other diverse communities, who work with nonprofit organizations with annual revenues under $500,000. Each year, recipients will be chosen through an application process based on criteria that reflect AFP’s IDEA principles.

AFP has been a wonderful source of professional development and friendships for me during my not-for-profit career, and this is simply a way for me to repay that by paying it forward.  David Schlakman

Make a Donation to The Schlakman Family Diversity Scholarship Fund

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AFP Greater New Orleans Chapter

P O Box 87
Abita Springs LA 70420-0087

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